Analysis of Dispute Settlement Dynamics Analysis of behaviors in the import tariffdispute between the United States and China
Sengketa Tarif Impor, Perang Dagang, Perilaku Negara, Amerika Serikat, China, WTOAbstract
The ongoing dispute over import tariffs between the United States and China has emerged
as a significant concern within the global economy since 2018. Chinese retaliation, triggered
by the United States’ imposition of import taxes on Chinese imports as a response to unfair
trade practices including intellectual property theft and detrimental subsidies, further
intensified global trade tensions. Both nations ultimately sought resolution of the import
tariff dispute by appealing to the World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.). This study employs a
descriptive qualitative approach, combining International Relations theory and case
analysis to interpret the diplomatic strategy and conduct in settling this trade conflict.
Analysis was conducted on data obtained from papers, official websites, and books to
investigate the resolution of disputes through the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the
economic consequences of trade retaliation. The findings underscore the intricacy of
international economic relations, and the conduct exhibited by participants in managing
conflicts. This study highlights the crucial significance of international organizations in
preserving trade stability and offers valuable understanding of the mechanisms involved in
resolving disputes related to intricate import tariff conflicts.
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