Author Guidelines

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JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (JLAST) is a scientific journal published by As-Sakinah Law Firm collaborating with the Society of Visual Informatics (SOTVI). JLAST provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to contribute and share their knowledge in the form of empirical studies or case studies. The manuscript text general guidelines are as follows: Public Relations Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7 edition. 

A. General Guidance

  • The manuscript is typed on A4 paper 29.7 cm X 21 cm, upper, lower, left and right sides 3 cm, spacing 1.15 pt, Times New Roman font size 12 pt, 15-20 pages long text including abstract, references, tables, figures, and graphs. The author is responsible for ensuring the authenticity of documents in the contents of their papers and must avoid plagiarism. 
  • The writing provision of JLAST’s article refers to the format applied to the Public Relations Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition.
  • JLAST is published two times a year, in March and September editions.
  • A published paper in JLAST is a report study, either using qualitative or quantitative methods which is done by an individual or group of researchers.
  • The submitted manuscript is an original and has not been published or is in consideration to be published in another journal.
  • Manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English using correct grammar rules. Manuscripts written in Indonesian should be written in a formal Indonesian, as well as for odd-words which must be translated into Indonesian.
  • The redaction has the right to revise the received article. The suitability of the paper will be reviewed by an anonymous reviewer and will be given recommendations on whether the paper is accepted, rejected, or accepted by revision.
  • The author must revise the manuscript according to the revision given by the reviewer (if any). After being revised by the author, should the author submit the revised manuscript within specific deadline by Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may conform the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, referencing, and usage that it deems appropriate without changing the substance of the article.
  • Manuscript must be submitted through redaction of Journal of Law and Social Transformation with online submission on 

B. Content Structure and Articel Systematics 

1) Title :  The title using times new roman (14), with capital letters, single space, maximum bold 20 words for indonesian, 15 words for english.

2) Author's name : Affiliate address, email address

3) Abstract : Abstract is written in 2 languages, Indonesian and English, a maximum of 200 words and followed by three to seven keywords and arranged alphabetically. The abstract must contain research objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and limitations (optional). The abstract is written in 1 space and 11 fonts size Times New Roman.

4) The introduction : Contains the background, research context, research problems, problem solving plans, research objectives, literature study results (All matters relating to theoretical study exposure, literature review, or selected conceptual definitions that are relevant to supporting the author's argument), Hypothesis  research (if any) must be built from theoretical concepts and supported by empirical studies (previous research).

5) The method : Contains in paragraphs about the research design, data sources, informant information or (population and sample) data collection techniques, and data analysis that is actually carried out by the researcher.  For qualitative research such as grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, etc. It is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, informants who helped along with ways to dig up research data, location and duration of research as well as descriptions of checking  the validity of research results.

6) The results and discussion : Contains the results of research findings and scientific discussions.  Write scientific findings who obtained from the results of research that has been done but must be supported by adequate data.  The scientific findings referred to here are not the research data obtained.  Scientific findings must be explained scientifically include: Are scientific findings obtained?  Why did that happen?  Why is the trend variable like that?  All of these questions must be explained scientifically, not only descriptive, if necessary supported by adequate basic scientific phenomena.  In addition, it should be explained also the comparison with the results of other researchers who are almost the same topic.  Research results and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction.

7) Conclusion : Contains a summary of research findings based on the synthesis of research results and the results of the discussion.  Based on these two points, new ideas are developed which are the essence of the research findings.  Descriptions are made in paragraphs (not numeric).  Avoid using statistical technical terms and research methodology.  Suggestions are based on the research findings discussed.  Suggestions can refer to practical actions, the development of new theories, and / or further research. Tables and figures must be given a title, single space, numbers and sources must be obvious. The title of the table / image is above the table / source is below the table.  If there are photos or images, they should be in black and white format.

8) Awards : Thank-you note and appreciation addressed to those who support research (sponsors and respondents). No awards for family, colleagues, and research supervisors.

9) References : All references used in the manuscript must be listed in this section. In this section, all references used must be taken from the main source (scientific journals and at least 80% of all references) published in the last ten years. Every manuscript must have at least ten references.

C. Guidelines for Manuscript Submission Online

The manuscript must be submitted by one of the two systems (preferred procedure):

1) Documents must be sent through the Online Submission System at the portal of Journal of Law and Social Transformation

2) First, the author must register as an author or reviewer (choose the role as author or reviewer) in "Register".

3) After the registration step is complete, enter as an author, click "New Submission". The article submission stage consists of five stages, such as: (1). Start, (2). Uploaded Posts, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Additional Files, (5). Confirmation.

4) In the "Start" column, select the Journal Section (Full Article), check all checklists.

5) In the column of "Upload Submission", upload the manuscript file in MS Word format in this column.

6) In the column of "Enter Metadata", fill in all author and affiliate data. Including Journal Titles, Abstracts, and Indexing Keywords.

7) In the column of "Upload Additional Files", the author is allowed to upload additional files, the statement letter, or others.

8) In the column of "Confirm", if the data you entered is correct, then click "Finish Send".

9) If the author has difficulties in the process of sending through the online system, please contact the JLAST managing editor at

D. Others

Submitted works are original works of not plagiarism writers by completing plagiarism free statements.  Manuscripts that have been published in this journal are not permitted to be sent to other journals.

All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by bestari partners (reviewers) who are appointed by editors according to their area of ​​expertise.  The author is given the opportunity to make improvements (revisions) of the text on the basis of recommendations / suggestions from bestari partners and editors.

Before it is published, the editor has the right to change and improve the spelling, grammar, and grammar of the manuscript that is published without changing the contents and if necessary, the author is willing to show the complete data of his research.

Everything related to licensing the citation or use of computer software for making manuscripts or other matters relating to HAKI done by the author, along with the legal consequences that may arise because of it, become the full responsibility of the author.